It seems that as long as humans have been aware of their own teeth, they have been aware of the need to replace those that have fallen out. Indeed, archaeologists have found evidence that cultures around the world have been replacing lost teeth with foreign objects for well over 6,000 years.

Dental implant technology has come a long way since its earliest days. Here’s what you need to know about your role in providing today’s version of this service:

Primitive Beginnings

Thousands of years ago, people replaced lost teeth with what they could find that had similar hardness and texture. This included pieces of rock, seashell, and bone from other animals. At times, humans have even removed teeth from animals or cadavers to use as replacements for lost teeth of their own. Thankfully, the technology and science of tooth replacement have changed considerably since these early days.

Titanium: a Scientific Breakthrough

In the 1950s, a Swedish scientist discovered entirely by accident that titanium has the unique ability to fuse with healthy, living bone tissue. This discovery – made while handling laboratory rabbits – led to advancements in medical technology that would not only make surgical braces and other breakthroughs possible, it would ultimately create the first iterations of the modern dental implant.

Speeding Things Up

Once humans discovered that bone could be bonded to titanium dental implants, they wanted to replicate the process as quickly and easily as they could for future patients. Initially, dental implants were smooth to make insertion easier, but this made the bonding process longer – as long as six months or more in some cases. Dentists discovered over time that rougher implant surfaces – like the threads of a screw – would hasten the bonding process and thus improved on the design to make recovery faster and less painful.

Today’s dental implants can be placed and are ready to use the very same day. Aside from some possible – and minimal – swelling, they look and feel natural right away.

You and your patients don’t have to go far to see the latest and greatest in modern oral care; there is a top-quality dental lab in Phoenix, AZ! For the best in Phoenix dental lab services, consult the experts at Dani Dental Studio. We have what today’s providers need to give today’s patients what they want!